A Bunker Mentality
Leaving behind a successful career in architecture, California photographer Alex Fradkin finds beauty in the abandoned war bunkers of Northern California.
July 2, 2008
-Anthony LaSala

Lost in a tangle of overgrown brushwood and wildflowers, weathered by the relentless push and pull of voracious seawater, the war bunkers along the coast of the San Francisco Bay have lain in wait for decades for an epic conflict that never materialized. Fossilized beasts of another era, their skins teem with modern-day hieroglyphics, their luster and original purpose having vanished long ago. |
Since 1998, California photographer Alex Fradkin has been scouring the shoreline for the crumbling remnants of these stone defensive structures. Using a 4 x 5 Horseman HD Field Camera, he has captured the hulking bunkers that line the seashore, each of them created by a long list of settlers wary of foreign invasions—including the Spanish, the Mexicans and finally the Americans. In 2009, Chronicle Books will publish the photographs in Bunkers: Ruins of War in a New American Landscape. Many of the images will surely resonate with viewers because of current international events. However, it wasn't the bunkers' military history that originally drew Fradkin's interest.
"Initially, it was their strange alien appearance in this particular landscape. These structures are extremely brutal and cold in appearance and their purpose, so completely at odds with the peacefulness and tranquility of the coastal landscape," says Fradkin, who first noticed the bunkers while visiting his parents in the Bay Area. "The tragic events of September 11th and the tragic response to those events, the pervasive mood shift of the country, all of a sudden made photographing ruins of war and bunkers strangely relevant where it hadn't been before."

Fradkin, 41, was born in Los Angeles and moved to the Bay Area when he was three. From the age of five, he wanted to be an architect, and he eventually realized that goal when he graduated from the University of Oregon in 1993 and joined an architecture firm the following year in Seattle. An interest in photography led him to be the unofficial shooter in the office; he would often photograph building projects in their various stages of completion. Eventually his work with the camera became an obsession, directing him toward the very tough choice of leaving behind his childhood dream.
"This was a difficult decision since architecture was a goal and passion that gave me a sense of purpose, drive and identity for over 25 years," says Fradkin. "Within the space of a couple of years, the passion began to wither under the creative restrictions of the realities of the architectural profession. I was designing and working on Nordstrom department stores, moving further and further away from what it was that excited me about being an architect. It was at a time when there were not many jobs available in other firms and the viability of my making a living with my camera was becoming more of a possibility."
Fradkin moved to Chicago where he attended Columbia College, graduating in 2000 with an MFA. For his thesis he photographed the destruction of the Chicago Housing Authority high-rises, particularly the Robert Taylor Homes. "My interest in these structures was a direct result of my architectural training, where we had studied the disasters of early housing policies and their results on the social and urban fabric. This was my first real engagement on the nature and metaphoric potential of ruins, which would influence much of my later work, especially the bunker project," he explains.
After returning to California, Fradkin sought out the bunkers that had caught his eye years earlier. Located within a few miles of the Golden Gate Bridge, many of the structures are located on National Park land in the Marin Headlands. Park rangers would often place blockades around the openings of the bunkers, but vandals and other probing visitors would repeatedly remove them. Some of the bunkers were refurbished and included in tours. Many, however, were simply left to corrode into the surrounding landscape.
Fradkin traversed various terrains (some dangerous enough to accidentally kill visitors) and scrupulously scouted each structure—some for many years—to find the best time of day or the perfect season to capture.
"One bunker in particular, I first saw perched on a bluff, one hundred feet up. When I began to seriously photograph the project, it had slid all the way down the bluff and appeared as if it had nose-dived into the sand of the beach below," says Fradkin. "It stayed in this 45-degree angle for over five years before a large storm produced swells large and strong enough to lift several tons of concrete, turn it 90 degrees and deposit it flat on the beach."
In 2001 Fradkin met Alan Rapp, senior editor at Chronicle Books, at a PhotoAlliance book-publishing symposium. After the talk, Fradkin showed him some bunker prints he had hidden at the bottom of his portfolio. Rapp told Fradkin that he was on to something. That meeting began a correspondence that lasted through 2008 and resulted in the plans for Bunkers.
"I've been watching this body of work develop over a few years now, and I think it's exemplary of the strengths of contemporary landscape photography," says Rapp. "It's both historical and conceptual; in this military architecture we can see the past, present and future of the San Francisco Bay Area all in one. Plus, I just love good photos of derelict spaces."

Fradkin also gathered together a group of supporters—from fellow photographers to writers to gallery owners—to help him complete the project. One of those supporters was fellow Berkeley neighbor and photographer Richard Misrach, whom Fradkin had met at a lecture. Fradkin met with Misrach a number of times for advice and support at Misrach's studio. "Richard's generosity of time, warmth and enthusiasm was greatly appreciated and an early affirmation that I might have something worth pursuing," says Fradkin. "Showing Richard the work as it developed most definitely helped to keep my spirits up when I would inevitably start questioning my strange obsession with bunkers." Photographer Mark Klett, who will be writing the introductory essay to the book (writer Tom Vanderbilt will contribute the foreword), was another backer.
Besides the bunker project, Fradkin works as an editorial photographer, shooting for the New York Times Magazine, Geo and Crain's. He is also working on another book, this one titled The Left Coast: California in Extremis. It is a study of the people and landscape of the California coastline that will be accompanied by text from Fradkin's father—the Pulitzer Prize-winning author Philip Fradkin. The University of California Press will publish the book in 2010.
"It took me eight years to cover ten linear miles along the coast to photograph the bunker project. I have two years to cover 1,100 miles of coastline with extreme variations. It should be interesting."

A Different School of Thought
Alex Fradkin attended Columbia College in Chicago to hone his skills as a shooter, but says he actually began his visual studies while studying architecture at the University of Oregon.
"I often joke that architecture school was the most expensive and best photography school that I could have gone to," says Fradkin. "The intersection of light, form, texture and space are critical elements that, when skillfully combined, help to make effective architecture. In many ways the same can be said for photography."
Of course, this is not to suggest that a B.A. from an architecture school is needed before you can photograph a building. But a class in your local university, especially for an aspiring architecture photographer, might not be a bad idea.
"The better architectural programs intensively teach you to be acutely aware of place," says Fradkin. "Each region is defined in part by its light, forms, textures, scale, and its specific history and environment. These are core elements in my photography that are also an early inspiration in my architectural design. Additionally, anything to better inform the photographer about architectural history, theory and core principles of building design can only be helpful when planning a photo shoot."
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